Each of us, in the first year of school, studied the types of sentences and the role of punctuation. How many times have you written texts automatically and did not think that you are using four types of sentences? Let’s remember what they are.
So, all the sentences depending on the purpose of the statement, are divided into four types:
- Declarative. This type of sentence serves to state a fact. With their help, we can assert or deny facts.
- Interrogative. By using this type of sentence, we can ask questions and clarify information.
- Imperative sentences. Using them, we can talk about an action that needs to be done, ask someone to follow our request, or command someone. Usually, such sentences are used to address a second person.
- Exclamatory. Sentences that express emotion. You can distinguish them from other sentences in the text by the presence of an exclamation mark at the end. In the speech, they are usually pronounced loudly and more emotionally.
Knowing the difference in the types of sentences and increasing their importance, we can use them for a more powerful construction of texts and speech. At StudyEssay.org we can tell you from experience that when writing an essay or any other paperwork, the right combination of all types of sentences helps to structure the text and make it more interesting to the reader. You can also always read which good words to use in an essay to make it strong paperwork.
A Detailed Look at Each Type of Sentence
We remembered with you what types of sentences exist; now let’s take a closer look at what they serve and also give examples.
Declarative Type
As we have already mentioned, these are sentences that tell us about some existing fact or simply provide information. During a conversation, such sentences are pronounced with a calm intonation, it is possible to raise the tone of voice on a certain important word, but by the end of the sentence, the intonation again becomes low enough. We always use a period to complete a declarative sentence. This is the most common type of sentence since we often just tell the reader or listener about something.
“Summer this year promises to be unusually cold, which has not happened in over 10 years.”
“Walking along the beach, friends noticed a large number of fish on the shore, which reminded them of the recent storm.”
Interrogative Type
Judging by the name of this type, this sentence contains a question. The author, with his help, strives to get the information he needs, interesting to him at the moment. This sentence is pronounced with interrogative intonation, and the final punctuation mark at the end will be a question mark. Such a proposal aims to obtain an answer or a denial of the fact about something unknown to the author.
“Have you ever seen a pink flamingo?”
“Is breakfast included in this hotel’s complimentary service list?”
Imperative Sentences
With these suggestions, we are addressing the second person with a call to action. We can also offer to do something to your interlocutor or reader. Examples:
“Let’s figure out together what types of sentences exist.”
“Please close the window.”
Exclamatory Type of Sentences
By using these sentences, you express your emotions. Almost any sentence can become an exclamation point when the sign changes at the end.
Let’s look at some examples:
“This day is going to be rainy.” – “This day is going to be rainy!”
In the second case, the author admires this phenomenon and is eagerly awaiting it.
“How long should we wait for him at the cafe?” – “How long should we wait for him in the cafe!”
If the first sentence simply asks a question, then in the second case, the author is rather indignant at the fact of a long absence of a person.
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The Influence of Punctuation and Intonation on the Reader or Interlocutor
In addition to the meaning embedded in sentences and phrases, the punctuation marks we use in writing and the intonation of speech when we speak with someone also play a key role. Why is it important? We want to share our experience with you and tell you that we often come across good essays and written works that the incorrect use of punctuation marks has spoiled.
Remember that you can always leverage your influence on your reader by inviting them to become part of your story through the use of questions. Alternatively, you can add emotion to your sentences by using an exclamation mark, which will also positively affect the reader. We are also glad to offer you our assignment writing help to create well-balanced sentence types in your written work! We know for sure how it is important to remember that misusing these types of sentences is just as bad as not using them at all. Too much emotion or questioning can make the reader get distracted from the main theme of your story.
4 Useful Tips for Writing Different Types of Sentence
How exactly can we diversify our text using seemingly basic types of sentences? Interesting tricks that you may have noticed before but did not attach importance to their impact on our text perception:
- Do the trick with the question. Perhaps you have noticed before that authors often use interrogative sentences at the beginning of their articles? This is done precisely in order to create a connection with the reader from the first minutes and make him interested in how exactly the author himself will respond to this question later. We can say that this trick is more based on the psychological component of human emotions. Statistically, articles that start with a question have more success among readers. Example: “Have you ever wondered how the first impression about a person influences further communication with him?”
- Don’t neglect the use of imperative sentences. You can increase the interest of the reader by correctly intonating a sentence. Submit the statement as your own opinion or as a well-known fact. Pick something that a lot of people agree on and use that to further grab attention. Example: “Many people think that giving a good first impression is not as important as keeping the other person interested in you in the future. But the truth is, you have to do both the first and the second well. Be ready to work hard on this.”
- Reorder words to increase the influence of the thought on the reader. By swapping words in places, we can make the text less boring if the format allows us. This will definitely positively affect the perception of it by the reader. An example of the same sentence in two versions: “I know how difficult it is to find a job after graduation, that’s why it is so important to have the courage to apply to the company without fear of rejection.” or “After graduation, it is difficult to find a job but knowing this, you do not need to be afraid of rejection and apply to different companies.”
- Using a question to make a short summary. By following this trick, you can make a smooth transition between paragraphs by placing the question at the end, or you can lead the reader to the main idea of the following sentences by placing it at the beginning. Example: “What evidence is there for the importance of first impressions affecting future relationships? – This is exactly what we will talk about in this article.”
Final Conclusions
Why following knowing rules and tips can help us grab the attention of the reader? The fact is that reading monotonous and boring sentences can tire everyone, and the presence of several similar sentences one after another will even push him to end the reading. That’s why it is so important to remember these small details in your writing. We always include a few proven tricks when writing so that your essays receive top marks and excellent reviews!
In the end, we want to collect all thoughts in a small summary. Depending on the sign that we see at the end of the sentence, we can easily understand which type of sentence we are facing. But what is also worth remembering is that the presence of a point to prepare us that this can be both an imperative and a declarative sentence—knowing that you are not going to be confused!
Using sentence types correctly, you can add variety to your text. StudyEssay’s writers know many ways to build texts in an interesting way and will be happy to share with you the knowledge for further use!
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Thomas Johnson
Professor Thomas Johnson holds a Master's Degree in Education Arts from the UCL Institute of Education. He is a qualified writer with over ten years of experience in creating online academic papers. Over the years, Thomas Johnson attended courses to improve knowledge in medicine, psychology, business, communication, engineering, computer science. The author is happy to share knowledge with students and makes them more educated.