There is no way to write a good essay without a proper introduction. And every student, who ignore such rule has no chances for making dignified paper. So don’t make the wrong decisions and pay attention to every part of your essay.
What is a Good Introduction for Essay and How to Write it Correctly?
What is essay introduction? This is the beginning of your paper, the first paragraph to encourage your target audience to read further text. Here are several tasks of introduction:
- to explain to readers the topic and ideas in general, which you are going to describe in essay;
- to provide people with proper background about described problem and show its value;
- to outline the answer on the main question in the essay.
Let’s be honest: your essay is not a dissertation or a scientific book, which should surprise readers. So there is no great responsibility for such a task. On the other hand, the author must slowly and steadily explain his thoughts and arguments. But don’t think that you can write in this part anything just to fill the free space on the paper. No academic paper accepts razzmatazz. There is a long list of requirements to write a perfect introduction.
Introduction Strategy and Common Mistakes
The best structure strategy for writing essay introduction is to write ‘from general to specific’. It means that you need to start with general ideas, then add more and more arguments in the main part. Such an approach allows writer narrowing his position and conclusions. To make a good beginning for your essay you need to use such key elements: basic background, scope of discussion, own position, and borrowed ideas to support your personal thesis.
But unfortunately many students continue to make mistakes in essay introductions. Here are the most common of them:
- to ignore college or university requirements (most education establishments have additional rules in writing papers);
- to delay the date to start your introduction (there is no djinn, who can solve your problems without your interruption);
- to use only borrowed ideas (all essays are meant to include your personal options at least at the end of your paper).
If you are afraid you can make such stupid mistakes, you should order writing an introduction of your essay and hire a professional writer. But if you are sure in own powers, then just read the full guide and create brilliant paper by your own.
How to Start an Essay Introduction?
Before you start writing the introduction for your essay, you must prepare your notes and determine perfect timing. It is not good to do your papers night before deadline. Such irresponsible behavior will definitely harm making the best introduction for an essay. Responsible students try to collect notes for essays long before starting introduction. Professional author recommends reading more literature about your topic, so you can gather proper ideas and produce your unique point of views.
The next stage in making catchy essay introduction is to create good structure. Yes, you may be surprised, but even the first paragraph in your paper should be divided into several parts. Here is an approximate structure you can use to write good essay introduction:
1. Start with an Attention Grabber
If you can’t catch the reader’s’ attention, then you can consider your essay to be useless. Usually people ignore texts with the bad beginning and never read them till the very end. Among the most effective attention grabbers are:
- rhetorical questions. When you start a text with a question, your readers start to believe, that he is the author of the paper. This is a great option to encourage him to read further;
- jokes. Do you have doubts with humor in essays? You shouldn’t have any, because even anecdote can illustrate the right points;
- citations. You can borrow someone else’s thoughts to start your essay. It will be very catchy and respectable, because it shows your knowledge in the field.
Besides, you can also start with general point about your issue. Sometimes your topic or style of writing may not be connected with each other, so the first traditional sentence will be more proper, than any attention grabber.
2. Make a Quick Overview of the Topic
Try to mention all the questions you are going to describe in your essay. This is also a good approach to motivate readers to continue reading. Besides important questions, remember what your target audience expects from you and try to make the introduction short. Be sure, you will have an ability to make detailed descriptions in the main body.
You need to add here several mentions of primary and secondary resources which will take place in the reference list. Thanks to such step, you will demonstrate own knowledge in your topic and its popularity.
3. Add Thesis Statements
This is a heart of your essay. Your statements should be based on the reference list, but this is still your personal opinion. All essays must contain your ideas and be plagiarism free. Don’t make a mistake and copy someone else’s points of view.
You should also indicate statements with your arguments so no one can miss them. Usually people stop their sight on boldface italic type or color indication. But notice: sometimes college rules may restrict such indications. Always read the textbook of methods to keep all requirements.
Are you still not sure how to introduce an essay? Then try to use the average structure and fill it with corresponding content.
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What to Include in an Essay Introduction?
The essay introduction has several criteria to be estimated. Your professor will check it for plagiarism, grammar mistakes, content, etc. In addition, you must follow a traditional structure and use well-known parts. Among them are the following:
- start with the main subject and explain its importance. Be sure, that people don’t want to read useless information, and professors will never give high marks to topics, which describe the useless issue;
- add definitions of every term or concept you are going to use in main part. Readers should understand what are you talking about. Don’t think that your paper will be read only by professors in your subject. It is a good manner to explain all terms beforehand;
- use outline of most important arguments and approaches, so you will answer the key questions of your essay. Sometimes methods are the most important part in essay intro, which demonstrates your abilities and knowledge.
The perfect length of the introduction is usually 5-10% of the whole paper. But no one will punish you with more long introductions if it is organic and brings a sense. Such rule is also good for amount of additional details, such as images, scales, graphics, etc. Usually such elements are not used in essays, but sometimes you can enhance your arguments this way.
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Good Introductions to Essays by Professional UK Writers
Most students have troubles with introduction for an essay. They may have lack of skills, knowledge, and talent in writing, but have no other choice. It is great if you are able to pay for essay and get paper created by professional author or team of writers. Such companies are keen on all kinds of essays, including essay intro. Besides, they guarantee high level of writing, the absence of mistakes, and delivery in time. But what you can do if you have no other choice, than to write an essay intro by yourself?
It is recommended to use good essay introduction samples and examples. There are numerous options on the Web available, so you can find them and follow the sample step by step. Sometimes you can even copy fragments and sentences, but do it only in urgent situations. Remember, that all essays are checked for plagiarism.
Well, using samples doesn’t guarantee the absolutely right content on your essay introduction, but in general you will be on your way to quality paper. The best way to get the awesome introduction of an essay is to ask for professional essay writing help. And you will be sure in your high mark!
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Debi J. Roberts
Debi J. Roberts is a content writer. Except for being a writer, she also works online as a writing tutor for people all ages. She is keen on reading psychological literature as it helps her a lot in her work with people.