One of the priority guidelines of the modern paradigm of higher education is the training of professionally competent specialists. They must be able to respond mobile to changes in the social and economic spheres of society. In addition, they should carry out effective domestic, scientific, professional, and official business communication. As a result, scientific interest in the problem of developing self-education skills in future professionals has revived. Young people need to master effective ways of obtaining, applying, transforming, and producing information depending on social, professional, and personal needs.
Essay writing plays an important role in this process. Today every student can get help from a professional essay writer at Our company differs from others in its reliability and affordable pricing policy. We are happy to provide effective support in essay writing. So, you can contact us at any time you need.
Below we will tell you how to write a good essay yourself. Let’s do it!
Writing Quality Essays: 7 Main Steps
The essay as an independent educational and scientific research should reveal the level of general scientific and special training of the student. It shows the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in solving specific problems. In addition, the author’s tendency to analyze and independently generalize the material on the research topic is revealed.
The creative nature of the essay is because it is a form of publishing the results of independent theoretical research with elements of a scientific approach. Thus, you need to approach the paper writing responsibly. You should choose the right topic, create a good structure, and analyze the literature on the topic. Let’s consider the steps you need to take to create a memorable essay.
Step 1 – Topic Selection
Doesn’t matter you need to write a persuasive essay or other, pay attention that work begins with choosing a topic. Students usually select the theme of a paper independently from the list suggested by the teacher. However, it is possible to adjust the topic according to the students’ suggestions. This allows stimulating creative search and independence of scientific research. After defining the research topic, the research task must be substantiated. That is, the object and subject of research, as well as its purpose, are defined.
The object of research is the subject field of research, part of the objective reality being studied. The subject of research is what will be directly investigated in work. Thus, the subject is narrower than the object.
The purpose of the study is related to the object and subject of the study, as well as its result. The goal is what needs to be done in the course of the study. The purpose of the study is specified by outlining specific tasks (from 5 to 10). Execution of research tasks is impossible without acquaintance with the main sources and literature on the topic of work.
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Step 2 – Search and Study of Literature
After defining the topic and basic task, the information stage of the research starts. Work on the essay usually begins in the catalog department and the periodical hall of the educational institution. During the source research, it is necessary to find out the state of the study of the chosen theme by modern science. This will allow you not to repeat the well-known truths, more specifically to determine the directions and main sections of your research.
When working with scientific literature and documents, students are encouraged to take notes. Notes are made on separate cards. Cards allow creating a working file, which is quite easy to replenish and control. Cards can be arranged alphabetically or based on the main questions that reveal the content of the work. Worksheet cards are used to compile a list of references. So, bibliographic descriptions on the cards must be complete, meet the requirements of the standard. In addition to basic information about the publication, the annotation is placed on the cards. The code of the document and the name of the library are also indicated.
The collected material needs sorting and critical evaluation. Starting the study, you should get acquainted with the latest literature on this topic. Newer works are usually more complete and accurate. In addition, the study of the topic should begin with generalizing works. They will cover the problem area of research, as well as more clearly outline the problem areas that need to be addressed.
Any research is based on the work of predecessors. Therefore, the problem of citation and generalization occupies an important place when working with sources. You need to be especially careful when making verbatim transcripts, which can later become quotations in the text. You need to rewrite verbatim, including errors and punctuation. The citation should be kept to a minimum and used only when it is really necessary.
When quoting, you need to follow a few formal rules:
- The quote must be literal;
- The quote should not be too long;
- The quotation should be given in quotation marks and accompanied by a reference to the source;
- Removal of certain fragments, which avoids long citations, is indicated by an ellipsis;
- Quotations that are incomplete sentences are grammatically consistent with the author’s text.
When working on an essay, keep in mind that one of the requirements for writing is its independence and creativity. The work is oversaturated with references; borrowings from articles, textbooks, monographs cannot be positively evaluated.
Step 3 – Establishing the Facts
After studying various sources and literature, there is a problem with identifying reliable facts. Facts are the basis of any research, and, therefore, verification of their truth is inseparable from working with the reference apparatus. Checking the accuracy of the information may require various mental operations. Sometimes the most effective steps may include referring to the reference literature or conducting a comparative analysis of the information contained in the various documents.
It is also important to decide whether the statement comes from a reliable source. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the reputation of the source of information and the competence of its author. Additionally, pay attention to whether the source to which the author refers is primary or secondary. It is also useful to know what subjective motives may have influenced the author’s conclusions. These may be religious and political beliefs, personal and historical circumstances.
Step 4 – Forming Your Vision of the Problem
After establishing the truth of the facts, the question arises of understanding and finding the connections and relationships between phenomena and events. At this stage, one’s scientific knowledge is created. The researcher tries to comprehend and compare the facts at his disposal, compare possible interpretations of these facts, track trends and patterns. At this stage, the student fully realizes his right to own understanding of the phenomenon or plot, which is the theme of the work.
Step 5 – Drawing up an Outline
Drawing up a research outline is the first step in essay writing. Researchers often turn to the chronological or substantive presentation of the material. The outline must be agreed upon with the tutor before working on its text.
Step 6 – Paper Writing
The structure of an essay usually includes the following main elements:
- Title page. This is the first page of an essay. It contains the heading of a paper and is designed according to the requirements.
- Table of contents. The content of the work is submitted immediately after the title page, starting from a new page. The content includes all structural elements of the work.
- Introduction. In the introduction, the author substantiates the relevance of the topic. It also answers the question of what is the importance and necessity of studying the chosen issue. The introduction reveals the purpose of the work, gives a brief overview of the literature on the topic.
- Main part. The main part of an essay is usually divided into sections or sub-sections. Here the author consistently, clearly, and in a logical sequence reveals the issues of the chosen topic.
- Conclusions. Here the author generalizes about the scientific material that was involved in the sources of an essay. Here, the own vision of the problem analyzed in the work is briefly described. Prospects in the study of the topic or contradictions of the topic are highlighted.
- List of sources and literature. In the list of used literature, it is necessary to give the exact headings of all textbooks, manuals, essays, articles, dictionaries, etc., that were used in the process of preparing the paper.
- Appendices. Applications can be used if necessary. But they are not a mandatory element of the work. Using them unnecessarily can overload the text of a paper, reducing the quality of its execution. Applications may not contain information or illustrations that do not contain elements of novelty and are well known—for example, a biography of the writer, his portrait, etc. In addition, applications must be consistent with the content of the work.
Step 7 – Checking the Paper Text and Design According to the Requirements
The last stage involves editing the text of an essay and paper design following the established requirements. Here, you need to check the logic and sequence of the material. It is important to correct errors of various kinds. It is recommended to study the requirements of the required formatting style (Chicago, MLA, APA, etc.) and design the work accordingly.
Therefore, writing an essay is a rather complex work that requires certain knowledge and skills. However, you will be able to cope with the task if you follow the instructions above. Do not forget that the StudyEssay’s experts are ready to help complete any type of essay. Contact us and get a smart helper who will write a paper at the highest level!
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Thomas Johnson
Professor Thomas Johnson holds a Master's Degree in Education Arts from the UCL Institute of Education. He is a qualified writer with over ten years of experience in creating online academic papers. Over the years, Thomas Johnson attended courses to improve knowledge in medicine, psychology, business, communication, engineering, computer science. The author is happy to share knowledge with students and makes them more educated.