The practical implementation of modern standards and norms requires future professionals to independently carry out research work. Thus, young people are now actively involved in research activities and writing research essays/papers. The main task of such work is to demonstrate the ability to effectively and creatively apply theoretical knowledge in practice. In addition, it is important to show the ability to adequately set and solve cognitive problems, develop evidence-based recommendations for solving specific professional problems.
What Is a Research Paper?
The research paper is an important type of independent research work of students. In the process of writing, they master the methods and acquire the ability to conduct research. The main requirement for students is the independent and creative performance of tasks set in the work.
The main objectives of a research essay/paper usually include the following:
- Systematization, consolidation, expansion of theoretical and practical knowledge of students;
- Obtaining the opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge in solving specific professional tasks;
- Mastering the methods of organizing and conducting research.
Thus, preparation and defense of research essays/papers are an integral part of the training of future professionals. This provides deepening and expansion of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. In addition, it helps to improve the skills of creative activity and independent research work.
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Specifics of Scientific Research in General
Scientific research is a very broad concept that covers all processes regardless of their scale. That is, from the origin of the idea to its implementation in the form of new theoretical positions, the creation of new technologies, and so on. Scientific research is a special kind of human activity, which aims to acquire new, deeper, more accurate, new knowledge.
Scientific research is radically different from other types of research. It reveals the natural connections of reality in the form of abstract concepts, schemes, tables, which a person usually creates in the process of studying a phenomenon or process.
Based on the above, we can identify features that are inherent only in scientific research:
- Novelty and uniqueness;
- Creative character;
- The ratio between theory and practice;
- Original approaches and technologies;
- Connection with other sciences;
- Independence.
What Should Be Done Before Writing a Research Essay/Paper?
According to the experts of this service, you need to go through three important steps before you start writing a paper. Read more about them below.
Choosing a Relevant Topic
The choice of the essay topic is an important stage of its preparation. The expediency of the work itself largely depends on the success of this stage. The topic of the work should be as short as possible, correspond to the essence of the selected scientific problem. It should indicate the subject of the study and its purpose. It is not desirable to use complicated, underused terminology in the title.
If the research theme is chosen unsuccessfully, the work is doomed to failure. This is because there are topics on which you can get a new scientific result in the future. And there are topics on which it is difficult to draw a definite scientific conclusion. In particular, due to the lack of effective methodological tools for the study. In other words, not everything that seems interesting in science is worth researching.
Writing a Good Thesis
A thesis is a statement that is proved or disproved in the process of a research paper writing and argumentation. There are two main requirements for the thesis: clarity and immutability.
The requirement for clarity consists in that the thesis must be clearly and precisely stated. An example of an unclear formulation of thesis is a statement like “this book is bad.” It is not difficult to notice that the meaning of such a key term as “bad” is completely unclear. But for this kind of thesis, you can pick up a lot of ‘convincing’ arguments. Thus, the less precisely a thought is expressed, the falser arguments it assumes.
The requirement for immutability assumes that the thesis should not change in the course of argumentation. If this rule is violated, then then a thesis substitution occurs. That is, you were going to prove or disprove one thing, but in fact, you proved or disproved another.
Observe these requirements for the thesis, and you will be able to cope with the task.
Creating a Plan
The plan is the basis of the work, determines its general direction and sequence. The quality of the outline is the key to the successful completion of the work. The plan is developed based on the chosen research topic, its subject, formulated goals, hypotheses, and objectives. It should reflect the researcher’s systematic view of the work to be carried out.
When creating a plan, pay attention to the fact that the logic and sequence of execution must be appropriate and justified. The plan may consist of final formulated items, which in general characterize the position of the author and the main provisions.
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Main Parts of the Research Paper Writing Process
The work plan should include such main components as introduction, body, and conclusion.
The experts working in our company mention that the introduction provides a general description of the work. It states the relevance and purpose of the study. The main tasks are defined. The research technique is briefly described.
Main Part
The content of one’s own research should be represented in the sections of research work. The sections of the main part provide the following:
- Review of special literature;
- Research methodology;
- Analysis and results of the author’s own research.
Sections can be divided into subsections. The work’s essence, content, and results should be presented logically, consistently, reasoned, avoiding vague wording.
The conclusions should set out the most important scientific and practical results of the work. They must correspond to the tasks, have an analytical generalization, and not be presented as an annotation or statement.
Reviewing and Editing a Research Essay
This stage is very important in work. It should not be skipped, although many students forget about it. After writing the paper, you need to re-read it and edit the text. It is important to check if there are any grammatical, lexical, and punctuation errors in the work. Attention should be paid to the relationship of individual parts of the text with each other. It is necessary to check the reliability of the results obtained.
Also, do not forget about the correct design of the paper as a whole. Typically, styles such as MLA, APA, Chicago, and others are used today. Carefully study the required standard and arrange the paper following the requirements.
Remember, thorough editing is the headline for a quality research paper!
Basic Requirements for the Text of a Research Paper
Pay special attention to the fact that the text of the work should be characterized by:
- The logical relationship of its parts;
- Convincing argumentation of the stated opinions;
- Conciseness and accuracy of wording;
- Excluding ambiguous interpretations;
- Availability;
- Specificity in presenting the results of work;
- The validity of the conclusions and recommendations.
Requirements for the text of research work:
- The text of the work should be clearly structured, divided into sections and subsections. In some cases, subsections may be divided into paragraphs and sub-paragraphs. Each section of the work reflects the results of scientific research on a separate part of the overall problem. The text should be intact, not fragmentary. In addition to the division of the text into sections and subsections, it has a more detailed division into paragraphs and sentences that require special elaboration;
- The text should be of appropriate composition. The semantic parts should be logically united by a single idea, theme, problem. For this, you may use a systematic approach to the disclosure of the topic;
- The text of the essay must contain an analysis of the facts in question, as well as a specific justification of certain provisions;
- There should be no repetitions in the text. This is especially true of the conclusions drawn after each section and the general conclusions;
- The text should be complete;
- Definitions of terms that are given in the text must be substantiated, reasoned;
- The text must correspond to modern spelling.
Follow the guide above and create a good research essay/paper step by step! But if you fail to do this, we will be happy to provide you with effective support.
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Michelle Brown
Professor Michelle Brown received her Ph.D. Degree in Education Arts from Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. Every year the writer improves his knowledge in English literature, linguistics, history, psychology, sociology. Over the years, the author has gained experience writing online articles and is happy to share her knowledge with students. Also, the writer helps students cope with academic assignments and learn the secrets of education, about which the teachers are silent.