During the education period, students from all over the world have to write different writing assignments. Composing a literature review is no exception. But many learners make one mistake. They leave literature review writing for later. It is not because these students are lazy. They simply do not have enough time as they are overloaded with a bulk of academic assignments. Here we do not even take into consideration homework duties, personal activities, etc.
Writing a literature review is an important but time-consuming assignment. Some students want to cheat and try to find already written literature reviews on the Internet. But this idea can lead to failure. You can better find samples and various templates of literature reviews. With the help of them, you can write your literature review.
The best option is to rely on a literature review writing service. Confidentiality is guaranteed, so you can be calm. Your educator or group mates will not learn that you order writing a literature review online.
Also, we advise viewing this article. At StudyEssay.org we collected all the needed information about the literature review, starting from the definition to its types. We hope it will make your writing process much easier.
The Definition of Literature Review
Familiarizing yourself with any academic assignment should begin with a definition. A literature review is an explanation as well as a summary of the actual condition of knowledge in your sphere of research, which you can observe in various publications, journal articles, and other literature. We can highlight two kinds of literature reviews. It can be a standalone task during the education course. Usually, it is a part of other research processes. The other kind is where a literature review is a preparation for the massive study or before dissertation composing.
Your literature review should be concentrated on a thesis argument that, in its turn, assists you in determining what kind of review you are composing. For instance, a literature review for research can include the info about actual results, directing to the innovation point of the future essay. A methodology review determines the methods which are utilized today to build a base for the research.
Goals of Literature Review
As with every academic assignment, a literature review has its goals:
- A literature review provides information on a concrete theme, including chosen high-quality articles and important as well as relevant studies.
- It gives a starting point for future research to fill a gap in the actual condition of science.
- Writers have to bring innovative ideas into science but not duplicate the scientific works which had already been performed.
- A literature review provides ideas for future research and highlights the main results.
- Your lit review is a starting point of analysis, selection of methodologies, and approaches for the research.
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Literature Review: 6 Main Types
We can highlight different types of literature reviews. They follow various approaches to writing. Everything depends on academic disciplines. Below are some types of literature reviews to help you sort out them:
- An argumentative literature review refers to examining literature to maintain or refute an argument, supposition, or issue that was already expounded in the literature. Such reviews assist in identifying the issue which can be analyzed or solved during your research.
- A systematic literature review comprises an overview of existing proof to form the research question. Such reviews are often concentrated on a very concrete empirical question. They assist in gathering and identifying the data.
- A critical literature review contains critics on the hypotheses or conception and highlights the necessity for further research. Such reviews should comprise all the researches dedicated or linked to the topic.
- A historical type of review examines studies throughout a selected period to determine future research directions. As a rule, this time begins from the first time the problem occurs and includes proposed changes or solutions as well as reasons for their inefficiency.
- A methodological review is concentrated on the method of analysis to build a base for comprehension and further actions in the research. Such type enables researchers to determine the main methods to be utilized in work as well as define possible problems.
- A theoretical review examines the theories and relationships between them. This type likewise can assist in setting the lack of ground proof in theory. Therefore, there is a need to provide new explanations or further steps in research.
The format of your literature review will depend on the type of review. Still, there are some basic principles you should follow to create an excellent future paper.
The Needed Structure of Literature Review
The structure of your literature review is similar to the structure of an essay. Below is presented information you should include in every part of a literature review.
- In the introductory part of your literature review, you should determine the theme of research and deliver the context for the literature review. It will set or cause or viewpoint. Moreover, your introductory part should establish the organization of your literature review and point to the scope.
- The body of your literature review organizes the literature following common topics. It gives representations about relations between the theme and the area of research. Here you should move from the common view to the focus of your study.
- The conclusion of your literature review should comprise a summary of significant facets of the existing literature sources and an evaluation of the current condition of research. It helps to determine the problems in existing knowledge and connects your research to it.
Speaking about the number of words, your literature review should be approximately 2,000-3,000 words. Everything depends on the type of review, the area of your research, current assignment, or goal. Is it a common task or dissertation literature review?
When you get an assignment to write a literature review, remember that you are limited with words, you should include only significant information about the current condition of the science. You can select any literature review methodology during the writing process, still do not forget that you should choose the one which corresponds to your main aim.
Some Final Notes
Before you begin to write your literature review, you can consult with your educator to get tips about the type, the structure that will be better to choose.
You can rely on online writers who can write a literature review instead of you on the highest level. StudyEssay has expert essay writers who are ready to assist you any minute.
Do not panic, and our writers have already helped many students with their academic assignments. Do not worry that your educator or group mates find out that you have ordered your literature review. We guarantee full confidentiality to every client. We will deliver your literature review meeting the set deadline. You will have enough time to read the literature review and prepare for a defense.
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Michelle Brown
Professor Michelle Brown received her Ph.D. Degree in Education Arts from Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. Every year the writer improves his knowledge in English literature, linguistics, history, psychology, sociology. Over the years, the author has gained experience writing online articles and is happy to share her knowledge with students. Also, the writer helps students cope with academic assignments and learn the secrets of education, about which the teachers are silent.