Everything is important in scientific research. Focusing on the main or key issues of the topic, you cannot ignore the additional facts. However, such facts may conceal the beginning of important discoveries.
It is not enough for a researcher to establish a new fact. It is important to provide an explanation from the standpoint of modern science, to reveal the theoretical or practical significance. The presentation of scientific facts should be performed in the context of the history of the development of a particular industry. It should be multifaceted and be based on both general and specific features. Collecting scientific evidence through research is a thorough process. The scientist’s idea creates the basis for this.
In the philosophical definition, an idea is a special form of reflection of reality. It is a kind of product of human thinking. The idea differs from other forms of thinking. It not only reflects the object of study but also contains an awareness of purpose and perspectives of cognition. Ideas are born from practice, observations of the world around us, and the needs of life. Ideas are based on real facts, events, and problems. The complexity of a problem leads to the need to study it in a coordinate system defined by different levels of scientific methodology.
What is a Research Methodology?
Methodology – the doctrine of the rules of thinking in creating the theory of science. In the scientific tradition, a methodology is considered as a doctrine of the scientific method of cognition. It is also considered as a system of scientific principles based on which the choice of a set of cognitive tools is made. Most often, the methodology is interpreted as a theory of research methods, the creation of concepts. It is also a system of knowledge about the theory of science or a system of research methods.
The methodological basis of the study is usually an independent section of the dissertation or other scientific work. Achieving the goals and objectives of scientific research largely depends on its clear definition. The description of the general methodology and the basic methods of research is given in sections of the basic part of a dissertation. And this requires determining the methodological basis of qualification work.
Based on the methodological foundations of scientific research, it is necessary to answer the questions about:
- The proposed leading scientific idea;
- The essence of the phenomenon (object, subject of research);
- Contradictions arising in the process or phenomenon;
- Stages of development.
All of the above constitutes the scientific conception of a study. According to the experts of our StudyEssay company, conception is a system of views, a system of description of a certain object or phenomenon that contributes to its understanding. The conception is extremely important because it is the main idea of scientific research.
Basic Functions of a Dissertation Methodology
Among the main functions of a dissertation methodology, we should highlight the following:
- Critical – provides criticism of the organization of activities in terms of the inadequacy of the methodology used to the results of activities;
- Criterion – verifies the truth, the correctness of certain actions;
- Orientational – forms landmarks, contributes to the specification of directions, content, and methods of activity;
- Analytical – provides an analysis of activities in terms of their effectiveness and efficiency;
- The heuristic function is a source and tool for obtaining new ideas;
- The function of finality provides efficiency, the finality of activity;
- Instrumental is a tool of activity, gives a substantiation of its methods;
- Worldview is a methodological aspect of the worldview, the vision of reality in terms of methods of action;
- Technological – contributes to the technological nation of activities, ensures its operationalization and rationalization;
- Prognostic – helps to predict future situations in the process of the activity.
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What Constitutes a Dissertation Methodology?
The methodological section of a dissertation usually includes the following elements:
- Formulation of the problem situation. A problem is a real-life situation that contains a social contradiction and requires purposeful action to solve it;
- Definition of research object and subject. An object is a part of objective reality to which the process of cognition is directed. The subject of research – the ideas, properties, characteristics inherent in this object. For example the object – the workforce, the subject – the socio-psychological climate, which needs to be studied;
- Finding out the purpose and objectives of cognitive activity. The goal of the study is what the study is for, the result. Tasks – logical stages of achieving the goal of the study;
- Definition or interpretation of basic concepts and categories. Structural and logical ordering of basic research concepts includes:
- theoretical interpretation, which makes it possible to clarify the meaning of concepts;
- structural interpretation, which determines the set of elements of a concept;
- Preliminary analysis of the subject of research as a whole;
- Proposing and substantiating research hypotheses. A hypothesis is an expected result, a scientific assumption. It is put forward to explain the phenomena associated with the studied contradiction of reality. During the research, the hypothesis must be either confirmed or refuted. The hypothesis is formulated using concepts that have previously been interpreted and operationalized.
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How to Write a Dissertation Methodology in Just a Few Steps?
Professional StudyEssay’s writers indicate that it is important to go through several stages for creating a dissertation methodology. We have already written about the rules when creating a dissertation plan, today we want to tell you about how to structure a dissertation methodology.
Justification of the Methodological Approach
You should choose one of the appropriate methodological approaches. There are quite a lot of them today. Therefore, the choice should be grounded on the basic aim of the study. Below, we describe the most common methodological approaches.
Activity Approach
The activity approach assumes the necessity and expediency of using other methods. These include systemic, structural, functional, statistical, psychological, specific sociological, and other methods. It can be applied to various dynamic phenomena.
System Approach
A system approach is a fundamental methodological approach to research. It is understood as a set of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. Following the system approach, parts or elements of the system are considered both separately and in interaction with each other.
Comparative Approach
A comparative approach is important to ensure the versatility of the study. It is not aimed at studying one object or its condition. It covers ways to compare, contrast, and other ways to clarify the general, the special. Comparison as the simplest and most universal way of cognition is used to relate one phenomenon to another. The aim is to identify similarities and differences between them as a whole or their individual properties. With the help of a comparative approach, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of objects are revealed. Their content is classified, organized, and evaluated.
Axiological Approach
The axiological approach in the research methodology cannot be overlooked either. It is based on the principles of axiology and consists of the following provisions:
- The existence of a single humanistic system of values;
- Recognition of the need to study and use historical and modern teachings.
Description of Data Collection Methods
Documentation study, observation, questioning, and experiment are the main methods of data collection today. When writing a dissertation methodology, you should describe which of them were used in the research process.
Documentation Study
Among the advantages of this method is the possibility of obtaining the entire set of the required information. In addition, it is possible to return to previously reviewed sources and double-check the information. The main limitation is that the studied documents do not always turn out to be adequate for the evaluated program. They are also not always sufficient to carry out a full-scale study.
The advantage of observation is the ability to obtain “natural” information without interfering with the studied environment itself. However, certain difficulties may arise in registering the data obtained. This is because the approach itself, as a rule, does not provide for formalization sufficient for these purposes.
The advantages of this method are the acquisition of a significant amount of information at rather low labor costs. However, the frame of the body of acquired knowledge turns out to be initially limited.
This is a way of obtaining information, in the process of which we create the conditions necessary for the manifestation of cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena. This is the only method that allows you to statistically reliably identify causal relationships between variables. However, the organization of the experiment requires significant costs, precise implementation of the procedure, etc.
Justification of the Methods Selected for Analysis
When writing the methodological section of the dissertation, you need to describe the methods chosen for the analysis. Therefore, after the stage of collecting information, there is an analysis stage. What has been found? What empirical data have been obtained, what facts have been discovered or recorded, etc. How can this be explained? What are the conclusions and judgments? All these questions need to be answered.
If necessary, the collected data should be mathematically processed. This is especially important when there is a large amount of data. Cluster analysis method, factor analysis, regression analysis, discriminant analysis, correlation analysis, and other methods can be used. Collected and processed data are subjected to semantic interpretation.
Evaluation and Justification of Methodological Choice
Nowadays, fundamental and common scientific principles make up the actual methodology. In addition, we also need to mention the specific scientific principles that underlie a particular field of science. When writing a dissertation methodology, you should justify your choice:
- The fundamental methodology is considered the highest level of scientific methodology. It defines the basic strategy of the principles of phenomena cognition;
- Common scientific methodology is applied in all or the vast majority of sciences. This is because any scientific investigation has both substantive and methodological grounds. The scientific discovery causes a critical overview of the accepted conceptual apparatus, preconditions, and basic approaches;
- Specific scientific methodology with its methods deals with techniques, prescriptions, standards. It formulates the principles, methods of specific scientific activity, describes and substantiates them.
Key Requirements for Writing a Dissertation Methodology
When writing a methodology, it is important to demonstrate the practical value of the work. The breadth and adequacy of the application of scientific methods must be shown. It is desirable to apply the author’s approaches to solving the research problem.
Thus, when writing a dissertation methodology, it is important to describe the research procedure in detail. It is not easy at all. But in case of difficulties, you can get quality services at affordable prices on this website.
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Thomas Johnson
Professor Thomas Johnson holds a Master's Degree in Education Arts from the UCL Institute of Education. He is a qualified writer with over ten years of experience in creating online academic papers. Over the years, Thomas Johnson attended courses to improve knowledge in medicine, psychology, business, communication, engineering, computer science. The author is happy to share knowledge with students and makes them more educated.